Vital Clarity

Vital Clarity

Vital Clarity - Phragmipedium besseae variety d’allesandroi, Phragmipedium kovachii & Amethyst Vital Clarity is the 2nd of a sequential trio of essences. Vital Core helps to stir up shadow aspects of the 2nd chakra, while Vital Clarity then helps with the realignment of these energies of the lower body chakras, to bring the foundation of the energy body into alignment with one’s deeper spiritual aspirations. Vital Light is then taken to further the soul’s journey into Divine Light. chid and the bowl of water. This not only brought out the yang qualities of the orchid, but also enabled it to better access the shadow aspects of our lower chakras. (This also accounts for Vital Core having some very different qualities to the essence Radiant Strength of the Dancing Light Orchid Essences of the USA, which was made with the same species of slipper orchid.)
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