

Bluebell Probably no other time of the year has such a strong yet gentle sense of the magic of the Scottish woodlands as when the bluebells are out in the Spring. Indeed this essence appears to act as a sort of portal, to open up our perceptions to another realm. The other essence in our range that does this is Narnia Sphagnum Moss, which (amongst other qualities) can help one connect with the elf and gnome realm of nature spirits. Bluebell on the other hand connects with the Pixie and Fairy realm. It also brings a quiet joy and calm to the heart. The essence acts on the 1st, 2nd and 4th chakras. It brings a general feeling of peace and lightness, tranquillity spreading through the body, as if one is standing amongst thousands of bluebells, with a feeling of clearing and becoming lighter.
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Rhododendron griffithianum

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Poseidon's Trumpet

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Rhododendron Brocade Plus
